We finally moved Zach into his big boy bed over the weekend. As if the transition from crib to twin bed wasn't enough we decided to move him out of the nursery all together and in with his big brother. Just as expected the first nap in the new living situation was not much of a nap at all. We heard playing, giggling and jumping on the bed...followed closely by crying when Zach hit his head on the dresser. Eventually, (close to an hour later) Evan and Zach finally went to sleep. Each night since has been slightly better.
Even though I now have to make several trips to the bedroom each evening to settle them down, I am honestly loving having the boys in the same room. I have always hoped that they would grow up to be best friends since they are only 16 months apart in age. As much as I would love them to go to sleep when we close the door I am secretly enjoying the laughter of two boys who can't seem to get enough of each others company.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
love it!!!