Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I love bedtime. It's one of my favorite parts of the day and no, not just because it's one of the only moments of peace and quiet a parent gets during the day, although that is really nice. I love how my kids turn from crazy, manic, chase you around the house, growling monsters to sweet, loving, can't give you enough hugs and kisses, adorable, little human beings almost instantly.

The boys bedtime routine is fairly simple: put on PJ's, brush teeth, climb into bed, say prayers (usually followed by a hug fest). My heart melts every time I hear them say their prayers. I don't know if they even realize what they are saying but it is so sweet. We say the same prayer every night. It goes like this:

Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for today. Thank you for my mommy and my daddy, and my big brother Evan (said by Zach) and my baby brother Zachy (said by Evan). We love you so much. Please be with us as we sleep tonight and give us sweet, sweet dreams. Fill our hearts with your love and teach us to love others the way you do. Help us grow to be Godly men, honoring you in all we do. We love you.


They have said this so many times they have it completely memorized. My favorite part is when they say "Godwy men". So cute! After prayer, we tuck them in and give hugs and kisses.

After the hug fest I often tell the boys that I love them all the way to the moon and back (taken from one of my favorite children's books "Goodnight Moon"). Well, Evan wanted to one up me so he started saying that he loves me all the way to the moon and back and back and back again. And, of course, like most little brothers who copy everything that their big bros do, Zach was soon to follow in this new addition to the bedtime routine. After the boys say their response I usually come back with "That's a lot of love!". Evan, again, not liking to be one-upped, came back with this one last night. "No, that's a super lot of love!" Doesn't it just make you want to smile! I know I do.

Counting down the hours until bedtime tonight.

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