Today was Evan and Zachary's first Show and Tell at school. Well, actually it was really only Zachary's first. For Evan, this just happened to be the first time I remembered to send something with him to show. His class has been doing Show and Tell for the past year and not once did I remember...Oops! Better late than never right?
Evan wanted to show off his new Transformer that he received from his cousin Noah and Zachary chose a rubber whale that his Aunt Mackenzie let him borrow the last time we visited. They were both so excited to share their "treasures" with their friends at school. Evan started showing one of the teachers the moment he walked in the door.
Since they were both so excited to "show and tell" I was hoping that they would give me a great play by play of how their first experience went. Instead, they both got in the car and told me that they had done nothing at school that day. So, I am assuming that they were both more excited to bring their favorite toys to school than they were with the actual showing and telling.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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