Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vacation - Evan's Perspective

Evan received a V-tech digital camera for his birthday and had a blast taking pictures of our vacation. Here are a few of my favorites:

Evan's birthday cake

Daddy (with elephant ears - or possibly being attacked by one)

Evan's feet (this shot was intentional)

Evan trying to take a picture of the inside of his mouth
A cup

A table in our cabin

A blurry toy car


Zachary climbing on a table on the screened in porch

Pop pop


more feet!
Evan insisted on taking a picture of my back at the fair
The Clydesdale's
The largest pig litter (with a beautiful frame hand selected by Evan)
The second largest litter of pigs
Zachary testing out farm equipment
An alligator eating Pop pop (Evan thought this was hilarious)
This was just a small selection of the over 200 pictures Evan took while we were on vacation. There were close to 20 of the nightlight in the boys room alone. I personally really enjoyed looking at our vacation from Evan's perspective. It was interesting to see what grabbed our little guy's attention.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We visited Mt. Sterling, Ohio this year for our family vacation and stayed at the Deer Creek Resort. We left on Evan's birthday so we spent our first evening celebrating, opening presents and eating cake (a chocolate WALL-E cake by request).

The next day we had a picnic on the beach and the boys experienced their first canoe ride with their Uncle Matt and Pop pop. I think they really enjoyed themselves. Zachary seemed so relaxed I thought he was going to take a nap right there in the canoe.

Evan and Zach also got their first fishing lesson from Pop pop. No one caught anything that day but they had fun trying.

At the park where we were fishing there was this really cool tree. I asked Evan to get inside the hole so that I could take a picture and I just loved this shot of him "emerging" from the tree.
We stayed at the lake for 3 days then my parents came back with us to Indiana and we topped off our vacation by heading to the state fair. We had a great time looking at all the animals and especially eating all the deep fried fair food.

Evan and Zachary both had their first pony ride.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Evan is 4!!

Evan turned 4 on August 16th. I am finding it hard to believe that my little boy, my first born, is 4 years old! He has been changing so much in the past couple of months and it's hard not to notice that he is officially exiting toddler hood and entering into little boy land.

Evan is full of energy and has a zeal for life that is hard to miss. He finds great joy in the simple things and has a laugh that is definitely contagious. Recently he has shown us that he loves to kid and is quickly picking up on the sarcasm that is famous in our family.

The morning after his birthday Evan woke up and asked me if he was 3 now that his birthday was over. No, dear son, you get to spend a whole year as a 4 year old and we are looking forward to all the many things this year will bring. We love you so much Evan!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Show and Tell

Today was Evan and Zachary's first Show and Tell at school. Well, actually it was really only Zachary's first. For Evan, this just happened to be the first time I remembered to send something with him to show. His class has been doing Show and Tell for the past year and not once did I remember...Oops! Better late than never right?

Evan wanted to show off his new Transformer that he received from his cousin Noah and Zachary chose a rubber whale that his Aunt Mackenzie let him borrow the last time we visited. They were both so excited to share their "treasures" with their friends at school. Evan started showing one of the teachers the moment he walked in the door.

Since they were both so excited to "show and tell" I was hoping that they would give me a great play by play of how their first experience went. Instead, they both got in the car and told me that they had done nothing at school that day. So, I am assuming that they were both more excited to bring their favorite toys to school than they were with the actual showing and telling.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kiss my...

So the other night while the boys and I were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" (my all time favorite show) Zachary and Evan were showing off their dancing skills (really just running and spinning) when Zach did an amazing rolling spin move off the couch and fell on his bottom. Of course the floor was covered in a blanket of about 100 assorted cars and planes leaving him a great big pain in his...uh hem, you know what. Zachary promptly came over to me and requested that I make it all better. He crawled up into my lap, stood up, turned around, bent over and said "Mommy, kiss my butt. Please, kiss my butt."

Evan, who loves a good bodily function joke, picked up on the humor of the situation right away and joined his brother in asking me to kiss his butt as well. I really thought I was going to get away without these kind of comments from my kids until at least their teenage years.