Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Zachary is 3!!

My baby is no longer my baby. Seemingly overnight he turned from a tiny little baby that I protected in my arms to a little boy that squirms to get out of those same arms that once held him so securely. Sure, he still gives me hugs and will sit on my lap when I read to him, but I miss being able to just hold him and stare at his sweet cheeks and perfect lips.

Zachary is full of energy, spunk and surprises. He has this ability to get out of trouble just by flashing this sideways grin that somehow makes me laugh and forget about whatever mischief he has just caused. He is a charmer to say the least.

Zach is always on the go, usually chasing after his big brother and sometimes he is the one being chased. He loves to play with his cars, trains and planes and will never say no to chocolate anything or as he likes to call it "chloclate".

Zachary I love you! Happy Birthday!

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