Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Swim Lessons

Evan and Zachary started swim lessons last night at the YMCA. They had so much fun! Evan's class was first. He looked like such a big boy in the water by himself (well, almost by himself - there was one instructor per 5 kids). He learned how to float, kick and do a simple front stroke. He really loved being in the water.

Zachary's class was second but he didn't want to wait that long and almost jumped into the pool by himself. I caught him with one arm just as he was about to go in. This little one has no fear! Zach's class is a parent/child class so I went in the pool with him. We sang songs, splashed and played mostly. Zach's favorite part was jumping in the water though. He wanted to do it over and over again, but was afraid to let go of me once he was in the water.

The boys had a great time and didn't want to get out of the water. Hopefully next time I will get some pictures.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I love that my boys have such different personalities. It has been fun noticing all the differences between the two. Evan is sweet and sensitive, always wanting others to be happy. Just this morning on the way to school Zachary was very upset and crying because he wasn't getting his way. Evan tried to console him by holding his hand and singing to him in the back of the car. It was so sweet. Even when Zachary yelled at Evan for singing "his" song (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, which happens to be Zachary's favorite) Evan continued to try to make his brother smile without getting upset in return. I also love that when Evan wants to get your attention he will gently put his hand on your chin and direct your eyes to him so that he knows he has your full attention. He did this yesterday during the parade when he saw the firetrucks. He wanted me to see the huge smile on his face...precious!

Zachary on the other hand is a total fireball. Full of energy and attitude he loves to show off his kung-fu like moves. At dinner the other evening he was moody, quiet and visibly upset. When Jake and I asked him what was wrong he replied, "I'm just tired of this!". Jake and I were trying our hardest to hold in our laughter (we didn't want him to think that we didn't care about his feelings) but we were laughing so hard that tears were rolling out of our eyes and we were both hunched over at our seats. Zachary then turns on the sweetness and says "Don't cry guys!" He is totally unpredictable, a combination of fiery and sweet. You never know what your going to get.

They are changing daily and I am quickly noticing that "my babies" are not quite babies any more! They are adorable little boys with minds of their own and personalities to match. I love them so much!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend Update

It was a very busy weekend here at the Lucas house. Jake spent the entire time working on building our deck. He has been working tirelessly the past few weeks digging holes, excavating, measuring, cutting, nailing...you get the picture. This weekend he finally seemed to make some headway and I can actually see the beginnings of a real deck as opposed to a hole in the ground. His dad was able to help out a lot, which was a godsend since I am not very handy around power tools. I stuck to wrangling the kids.

On Friday the boys and I went to Monkey Joe's with my dear friend Jenni and her two kids. Everyone had a blast as you can see...

I wish I could say that 2 hours of running, sliding, and bouncing wore them out but Zach skipped his nap entirely and still fought going to sleep at bedtime. I think all the excitement had the opposite effect on him!

While we were gone Jake worked and worked. This is what the deck looked like on Saturday afternoon. The posts had been set and Jake found two boulders while excavating that he had to dig out by hand.

I left Jake to his project and took the boys to the splash park to beat the 95 degree heat. Evan was being a goofball (as usual) and Zachary just loved running around in the water.

Here is what the deck looked like by the end of the day on Sunday. The boards aren't screwed on yet but you can tell they made great progress. Jake's goal is to have this done by next weekend... I will keep you posted!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Boys

Just a few cute pics of the boys I caught while we were playing in the backyard. Zachary was taking a rest next to the neighbors fence and looked so cute, I had to snap a few pictures. Evan jumped in next, never wanting to miss a photo opp.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Spring Program

A few weeks ago was the boy's Spring Program at school. Unfortunately our video camera was not holding a charge so we only have still photos and some dark video taken with our regular camera. The pictures and video do not do Evan and Zachary's performances justice. They were hilarious. Anytime a group of 2 to 4 year olds put on a show its bound to be funny but these boys really stole the show. Both of the boys happened to be standing in line right in front of a microphone and took advantage of the opportunity to ham it up the entire time. They had the other parents rolling. Evan was having such a good time he actually had to be carried off stage. I love these boys!