Saturday, October 10, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I think one of my favorite things about my kids are the little things they do to make me laugh. Whether it's a silly question they pose or the mispronunciation of a word I find it both endearing and down right funny. Here's a recent conversation I had with Evan while we were both home sick sitting in the chair together:

Evan: What do bunnies eat?
Me: Carrots.
Evan: OK. What do camels eat?
Me: Umm....straw?
Evan: They eat strawberries.
Me: Ok, if you say so.
Evan: I know what cows eat, cows eat cud. I love cud!

This had me rolling. You probably had to be there, but the way he said it was hilarious. I had no idea that he even new what cud was.

Here are some "Zachisms":

smooky = spooky (When Zach looks in a dark room he will often say that it looks smooky in there)
He is always telling us "that's enough, guys, that's enough" when he feels something has gone on too long.
He is also not afraid to tell anyone that he is "tired of this" when something in his little world is not going as planned. I love his spunk.

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