Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Dreams

Most mornings Jake will ask the boys if they had good dreams the night before and what they dreamt about. Usually we get the same response from both boys "yes" and "I dreamed about sleeping". This morning Evan told me that he had a dream last night and when I asked him what the dream was about here is what he told me: "All these houses got up to 100 degrees and then they exploded (he makes a big circle with his arms)". He got quiet for a moment and looked down at his feet then looked up at me with sad eyes and he said "Then I couldn't find my toys in any of the houses. I looked and looked."

For a 4 year old this sounds more like a nightmare to me. Which reminds me of the first dream I can remember from my childhood. I must have been about Evan's age. I remember Ernie (from Sesame Street) wearing a sleep mask and then he bit me in the back. I woke up and remember physically feeling a pain in my back. Weird. I guess strange dreams run in the family.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

On Saturday we packed up the boys and a picnic lunch and headed downtown to see the Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade. This was the first time any of us had gone to the parade. We had a great time and found a nice shady spot under a tree to watch the festivities. The boys favorite part was seeing the race cars. I personally always love to see the marching bands and Jake was most excited to see the Purdue marching band and their big drum.

After the parade it was off to the zoo to see the new cheetah exhibit. The cheetah's were a little nervous in their new environment so this was the only picture we could get of them.

We all had a great time and look forward to going to the parade again next year.